oj taylor you fucked the wrong people in new york cityare you crazy or what they might come to your mommas house you lied to me about work said billy gadd wanted you just south of here but you calling joe up north looking for work told him you ship that hoist you stole 20 min after you got off the phone oj it been 7 days it aint there yet brain said please oj send it COD i bet you did steal all them tools i saw the hoist i bring them boys to your house if they pay me they offered me a job oj so did brain i told the truth something you cant do i cant climb all day im a sweep and noise man i like 150k a yr not 30k and harder work my work 90% brain 10%labor your work 10%brain 90% labor NOt PUTTING ANY YOU LINEMAN DOWN GOT TONS OF LOVE AND RESPECT FOR YOU i been begging for a job here ThANK U TO THE OFFERS at least you told the truth mostly easments if i could still climb all day id be working TO ALL YOU THAT MIGHT HELP A POOR WHITE TRASH CABLEDOGG DONATE TPO MY NEW CAUSE IT AINT HATE IT LOVE FOR A BETTER USA WWW.FRANKBCOOPER.WIX.COM/ANSP MODS HAVE REMOVED THIS 2 TIMES PLEASE READ THEN MAKE UP YOUR MIND PEOPLE GET FFENDED BY REBEL FLAG TOO aND NOw OBAMA waNTS tO CALL THe amEricAN FLAG a RacSIT SYMBOL WHATS NEXT A PAIR OF BASHLINS A SHIRT THAT SAYS IM A LIMEDOGG LOVe U aLL ML&R o before i forget im getting a copy of that check you cashed in NJ for that 29 miles of fiber noone got paid for bet joe armes like to see it is grandson who you said you paid 500 and still owed 100 told me he got paid 200 4 19 days away from home YOUR REAL GOOD BROTHER
Re: Looking for OJ Taylor
Member #: 41765
Registered: 10/21/2005
frank cooper
Frank Cooper
east tenn
theres no dogg like a LINEDOGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is CABL.com posting #366521. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbHvN
Posted in reply to: Re: Looking for OJ Taylor by tcbsplyce
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