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Re: Bear in Kansas not paying subs as agreed

Don't do it!

Class actions suits tend to compensate the lawyers very well. The  actual plaintiffs get pennies on the dollar as a they split what is left of any award....after legal fees.........court costs........esp defending appeals.........and the possibility that the defendent has dispersed all assets and is "broke." It is a whole seperate battle to find the money.

I think you are stuck with just suing them....getting a  judgement if they don't defend your suite.........make them put out thousands of little fires.

This is time consuming & may not work. But you get to explain your story to  a judge.

Good luck,

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Posted in reply to: Re: Bear in Kansas not paying subs as agreed by Big T
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Re: Bear in Kansas not paying subs as agreed angelino90 12/22/2014 4:56:35 PM