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Re: Serious questions for Installers/Company Owner

I feel alot like you.  But almost 100% of the time the people that are cutting your prices and are adding more  stuff to your job are Screwing you plain and simple. No if and and butts about it. As far as adapt there is nothing in the trade alot of us can't or won't do. Why????? Adapt or die right?!?!?!?  But as long as you work for crooks that continually add and cut you will continue to be a slave, a broke a== one at that!!  Find someone good to work for that appreciates you they are out there. And like ya''ll THERE ISN"T a person that can do  what I can do, after 30 days of training. When I hear remarks like that they usually (although not always) come from people that make their living off other peoples backs, not there own. It does take people working minds as well as backs to keep all working.  Alot of the supervisors love the control they have over others. Demeaning, devaluing, remarks is  Control and it is wrong in my book (even if they are right:) ). We can have better relationships by respecting what another does especially if they do good quality, versus putting them or what they do down  so that we can rob them. One thing I have learned especially in the south. BE NICE. especially to your ground hand he may be your boss one day. A man that likes his work will do a better job if they feel like they have some say, or control of the terms they work under.  They will also do a better job for someone they like versus a ahole that pays them.  Now on the other hand I have seen the other side of this too where people make alot more out of things than they are. Just use common sense to decide which works for you. And good luck
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