An admiral visits one of the ships under his command. While eating breakfast with the crew, he was impressed to see the naval insignia stamped on every biscuit.
He went to the cook to ask how this feat was done, so it could be used on other ships under his command.
The cook replied, "Well, Admiral, after each one is cut out, I just slap it here against my belt buckle, which bears the insignia."
Horrified, the Admiral exclaims, "Well, that's very unhygienic!"
The cook shrugs and replies, "Well, if you feel that way, sir, I suggest you steer well clear of the donuts."
He went to the cook to ask how this feat was done, so it could be used on other ships under his command.
The cook replied, "Well, Admiral, after each one is cut out, I just slap it here against my belt buckle, which bears the insignia."
Horrified, the Admiral exclaims, "Well, that's very unhygienic!"
The cook shrugs and replies, "Well, if you feel that way, sir, I suggest you steer well clear of the donuts."