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Re: CBL dude can you spell GED, because you can't even spell dumbass.

Man you guys rock, Keep your chins up when talking about each other. I log on every day to see whats new In the cable world and just as I go to the bar I check out the unmoderated page first to see what Is the talk of the day. I am here to tell you This would make a great movie all you need Is some fast bucket trucks and guns and some hookers. I will check you guys out later and may the best cabledog or cabledogs win. Have a nice day to all of you.

>Hey dicky DOBEMAN im sorry i offened your punk pussy ass,you must b one of those att do boys.I apologize if i hurtv your feelin,you must b in the same catogory as larry and all those other folks that OWE!!!Otherwise i have never seen any postin from you bout larry or anybody else about money,excepy to take up for someone who owes so much!!So go fuck yourself DICKMANor dobeman whatever you prefer to b called an if you dont like that i live in St.Augustine fla.let me know when your here and if you got a problem w/ what i say we can talk about it face to face,MONEY IS MONEY dont care how you look at it,I GO TO WORK TO MAKE A LIVIN,NOT TO MAKE FRIENDS!!!!Sorry you guys see it different,Dobeman your probably that sub im talin about!!!!!Now go run to your daddy,AT@T!!!!!
>>The bar is not for sticking your nose in someone else's business. Your language is a great reflection of you and your's is on about a third grade level.
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