...I'm going to take a guess, and say no one here really cares about a union law for a VW company in Tennessee, although it is going to be interesting how it plays out for the republicans that made promises they have no ability to keep.
The fringe right and tea party groups have been bashing Christie ever since Sandy, you hear it all the time on right wing radio, which I actually listen to daily, it provides excellent entertainment, and keeps me laughing. Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, each one of them praised Christie up and until he was in the same camera shot as Obama, then it was all over.
Now that I think about it, they did the same exact thing to each of the republicans that were running in the presidential primary, each of them praised the person that was ahead in the polls, until that person got knocked down, and the next idiot reared his/her ugly head, then they all loved that person, rinse and repeat.
But of course most of this is falling on deaf ears and closed minds, most of you will blindly follow what ever fringe right talk radio and Fox news spews at you.
Re: How Hillary Answers Tough Questions
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