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Re: Got Nothing.

Well then maybe we have more in common than you think.  But on that note, all these laws that are making the government so large, that people say are 'stomping on the rights', like the NSA, The Patriot Act and etc, were created and signed into law by the Right.  

Don't be afraid to stand with your party.  I am proud to be a Democrat, and no, not a far lefty either, more toward the center, contrary to those on this insignificant forum that assume otherwise.  I lean left for the simple fact that ALL MEN(*contrary to color, race, gender, sexual preference, rich, poor, short, fat, tall etc etc etc) ARE CREATED EQUAL. 

Also, separation of church and state, this is not a religious country, yet the Right would have you believe we are a theocracy, based on the Christian Bible, not true, Freedom of religion, all religion needs to be removed from politics, practice your religions in private, keep it out of public. 

The GOP of today, is to radical, even its own members are beginning to switch to the Left, just this week, 2 elected officials in Texas State offices, publicly announced they have switched to the Democratic party, their main comment?  "I did not leave the GOP, the GOP left me."  That resonates along a broad spectrum of moderate republicans, and until the GOP puts this minority of radical right in its place, it, in my opinion, is doomed to fail.
Never argue with idiots, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
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Posted in reply to: Re: Got Nothing. by SpectrumAd
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Re: Got Nothing. goodsky 10/22/2013 11:56:58 AM