Re: so true
Member #: 8711
Registered: 1996-2001
Tim Petersen
Tim Petersen
Performance Profiling
Sweep & Splice Technician
Where the Iowa River meets the Mississippi River
mid 60s
~41 years
go ahead, christian boy, call me an arrogant ass. I am used to the judgemental, haters venom spewed from every mouth that swears its allegiance to a religious doctrine. and guess what?. ...if you really want to know anything biblical, ask an athiest, because they generally have read that fairy tale many times before coming to the only sane conclusion there's a nice story, and that is all it is. Did you know the virgin birth, immaculate conception of the messiah was told several times from 500 to 2000 years before christ? same story, three or four different religions. the whole mythological tale about the eastern star leading the three wise men to the birth of the christ on december 25th....well, that is a mythological tale describing the orbits of orion's belt!!!!! The three stars are the belt of orion, and they point to the star every year at the make belief chrsitmas time, more factually known as the winter solstice. I have had enough of arguing about stuff that never happened, never did anything in this world but cause alot of hate, guilt and blame.....the trinity...guilt, sin and blame. listen to what john Trudell says about christianity and the tribes of europe. search john trudell on youtube and listen, it makes a whole lot more sense.
Where there are no alternatives, there is no problem...Petergunn Lookstwice-2001.
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