I built my own spread sheet, My Secretary just got out of college with a degree in computers. We build a spreadsheet that was driven from the payroll records. All she had to do was make one entry and I got:
Week #, Report #, Invocie #, What crew and what each member of the crew received in wages, work performed by line item, what phase, what node, what print, what streets, what PS #, what cable reel number, daily temperature, weather conditions. Then she took all this information and created an invoice to the customer. We gave them much more than they ask for, I really think they didn't even know or how value able this information was..also great for as built documentation and material issued.
I wanted to patent the process but my secretary did not want to share it, we just keep it to ourselfs.
Good Luck With what your looking for:
Re: Spreadsheet Help?
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