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Daily Rant

So god created an imperfect race in his own image (He's perfect of course), then killed them all as they were imperfect, started with another imperfect race, gave birth to his son, who is also himself, then let himself die, then came back, then does nothing to stop people dying every day, or does nothing to combat evil or 'satan', which he could easily destroy because he is all powerfull. 

Chrisitanity is a worldwide cult of people who use media and other areas to influence and ram their religion down our throats (among other things) and insist on believing something that has been disproved by science decades ago.
Never argue with idiots, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
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There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Daily Rant goodsky 7/14/2013 10:16:26 AM
Re: Daily Rant Toast 7/14/2013 6:57:23 AM
Re: Daily Rant LocoDawg 7/13/2013 8:19:05 PM
Re: Daily Rant danimal 7/13/2013 4:24:14 PM