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Re: Google Contract Kck

Retainage is held because the people who make most of the money never see these sites.  They want to hold enough money to be sure that they have enough money on hand to repair the damage that the people they hire do to property when they lie about their abilities or just perform below standard, or they run off with equipment that belongs to the main.  

QC people are there because lazy contractors do crappy work, and there must be an inspection process to halt this.

Gigs are given out, but rarely fixed as the “sub” has been paid and has left.  The “contractor” who holds the contract has no idea how the system really works and cannot do the repairs themselves.  A Cadillac is a lot different vehicle than a bucket truck.

Subs don’t come back and clean up their work because they are not forced to by retainage.

Yes, mismanagement is the prime’s problem.

Subs are lucky to get 10% from filing a lien.  The attorneys and filing fees cost more than that.

Primes do not “allow” subs to underperform.  Subs underperform and it is found out later.

Primes underbid from desperation and lack of experience.

Why wouldn’t you let someone work for you for weeks for free?  It is the individual’s responsibility to clear all paperwork before beginning the job.

No sub should accept any part of a job that they do not make a profit on.

I have never seen a prime make cash payments to a sub.  Anyone that did is an idiot.

This is all contractor common sense.  Hope it helps you sleep better…… 

Work Hard Play Hard Get Paid
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Posted in reply to: Re: Google Contract Kck by mag3
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Re: Google Contract Kck mag3 6/24/2013 8:13:48 AM