I'm based in the Utica Shale Region...have 5 wells within miles of my home. This region will "Become" the nations leading Nrtl Gas/Oil producing area of the USA. In one small town alone...their are now 8 millionaire's from leasing their farm land, just ride around and see who has a new bright shinny John Deere Tractor in the field. It's not fracking you need to worry about, it's the deep injection wells where they dump all the chemical laced drilling/fracking fluids from all the other wells in the area. The world sets on 14 plates that are constantly moving around, where do you think all this fluid we are placing in these injection wells, will end up. You will start seeing more earthquakes and who knows what the future holds for us because of ND, NY,MI,PA, OH, WVA, TX, OK, MO, Canadian drilling and fracking.
Watch for news coming out of these Shale Regions: Marcellus, Utica, Antrim, Haynesville, Barnett, Bakken, New Albany, Fayetteville, Eagle Ford, Avalon, Mowry as with Colorado Group of Canada.
Because of the vast production of cheap rates for Nrtl Gas, it will replace Diesel fuel in our fleet operations and home use. Once everyone gets switched over to Ngas...the rates will go up just like our oil rates have. You can't win, even investment in Wind/Solar would take 8 years for a pay back then they are only good for about 15 yrs. usage. Just have another cold brew and move on with the better things in life.......................Be safe in all you do.
Re: Why Drill?
Member #: 2039
Registered: 1996-2001
Gary E. Ogden
Micro Network Svc Grp
~60 years
This is CABL.com posting #353364. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbD5A
Posted in reply to: Re: Why Drill? by goodsky
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