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Re: Storm Project

Thats the reason good lineman wont go there or anywhere to do storm work anymore.Its all about getting screwed.Another thing is linemen are getting old now a good linemen has been around for many years, worked different states or in his city forever.Has been in this business over 25 years.Now most old school good linemen are in their 40s thru 60s with body problems, back, knees etc.. old schoolers know what I mean.To work 16 hours 7 days a week in a hap hazzard mess as Sandy takes its toll on the old school,only to end up getting screwed in the end.And in the end no one ever gets their money.Thats why Sandy could have proved useful to us as far as this industry is concerened.If we had ALL stuck together and stayed put as most of us did as of today the govt would haved stepped in to get this mess fixed correctly and properly.We have all learned lessons from the past and still we try. Why? Because the old salt as my mother called me the other day can do nothing else its a part of our inner soul.We are no different than verizon except their union with union pay and union rules.The main thing I do know about the unions weather good or bad is they always get paid and on time and overtime.America with the worlds best linemen and installers how come weve never formed something to protect ourselves.We have sold ourselves short and these people have bled us much too long.If nothing can be done ill accept it, if something can be done it should be without heitation.We need to look after each other like brothers because 25 years ago we considered ourselves brothers in this industry.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Storm Project by ggarzatx
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Re: Storm Project GoEasy 12/25/2012 2:48:32 PM