Be glad your getting the 50%, if you was the prime you would be getting less. Your getting a piece of the labor portion. There is more to being a prime than just subing to people like you. Insurance-Work Comp-Tax-Supr/ProjMgr Overhead Expense-funding the job till they get there money in 30-45-60 days-warehouse and housemouse expense-in some cases the material-copies of prints-paper flow to customer-customer PR-On 24/7 call night and day-warranty on labor and material. Yea your just a sub so be thankfull to be working and stay a sub, just do good quality work-be safe...Your time will comes when the shit hits the big MSO fan and all the coax will need to be changed out to fiber.
Be Safe..Have some fun while working..........................................................microman
Re: Cable Contractor
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