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Re: I'm baack...

To bring my wife to the states from Japan it took 9 months, cost $1785.52 if government fees and another $1200 for the lawyer to make sure all the i's were dotted and t's crossed correctly. She is good for te years then she can renew for 20 years, I wonder what that will cost?
When I was in Japan and I applied for a Japanese marriage visa it cost 10,000 yen ($98.00) and took two weeks. We had to show our marriage license, my pasport and her drivers license.
For her to get her US. visa we had to give copies of our marriage license in Japanese and translated to English, a copy of her family history, her birth certificate, my tax returns for the last 7 years, a copy of the lease for the place I was renting, my pay stubs for the most current 4 months, pictures of my wife and I before and after we were married, and other things I can't remember. Talk about the government crawling up my ass with a microscope. It's no wonder they just jump the border instead of doing it legally.
But after what my wife and I had to go through, it makes me resent the illegals even more.
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