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Re: Nothing exciting about the storm work

Here's an update so everyone can be brought to speed. You either have 1 or 2 man trucks. You are given a route of 10 jobs per tech. You may get all 10 done or you may not. If you happen to get an area where it's all back yard poles then you will find a lot of stuff still down and you can't do some. out of 8 jobs today, I gained two since they were all on the same pole and street side poles. All the other jobs were back yard poles and 4 couldn't be done. You are to do your original route and then you can add your own jobs by "creating" your own work. I don't think that I need to explain that one! Good some days and not so good others. Most of the time nobody gets out of the parking lot until 9-10 which makes the day suck since it gets dark at 5. Supplies are in short demand and since there are new guys coming in daily, it makes the supplies go that much faster. As with most cable techs running to NY, A lot of techs are slammin them in and fudging numbers. If you think that by coming here you will make it rich.........LOL Don't bank on it. You will only really do 10-15 on a good day. You do have to drive to all these jobs so by the time you drive to each one and do the work for them all, You will never have enough time to do any real high numbers. You do have to do a min of 10 to get the per diem. Gas is anywhere from 365-420 depending on where you go. Still a lot of stations without gas. Hotels are running 85 and up  night. If you stay on the Jersey side, gas is cheaper and so are the rooms but you'll have to bear the drive every day and every night.

In a nut shell........if you have better options where you are then stay. If you can bear living with 3-4 guys in a room, high gas prices, high room prices, and not getting to your first job until say 10'ish.........

I find it sucks since I am used to being at my first job by 7:30-8. I will be leaving but I have other stuff in the works. Never really liked cable. You have to run around to say 10 jobs and all that puts more wear on your truck than 4 satellite jobs.......I also make better money.

Pay is only a week out though. If you decide to come, Use "Team Rogers". Cool guy and he seems to be running the show for most of the techs anyway. All the companies are meeting in the same lot. 

Hope this helps....Good Luck in your search and Be Safe!

PS...... Some techs are taking 12 hr shift to babysit power generators for Cablevision. If you think that you will be able to do that and run a route, you are mistaken. Most of the guys doing that will tell you that you can't sleep and if they catch you sleeping then you'll be canned. staying up all night and then doing a route doesn't work. They also won't call you to do both.

This is posting #350226. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Nothing exciting about the storm work by Shane FOUNTAIN
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Re: Nothing exciting about the storm work JayCATV 11/11/2012 10:41:23 PM