Why don't you tell the thousands of children out there that lost fathers, or mothers, or both, to the wars that Bush started, or the wounded soldiers that are now missing arms and legs? Four Americans died, its horrible, but they knew what they were getting into when they signed up, just like I knew what I was getting into when I signed up, don't give me this '4 Americans are dead' BS, its just an excuse. And to add to that, just check this out, this happend under Reagan, but he is your hero, and could do no wrong right?
There are many attacks on Embassy and Consulates around the world, hell 51 people died during multiple attacks under Bush, lets add that to the fire.
1983: Bomb Blast At U.S. Embassy In Beirut Killed More Than 60, Including 17 Americans. From an ABC News article on the 25th anniversary of the April 18, 1983, bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon:
Any soldier or government official that goes into a war zone knows they are putting their lives on the line, I'm sure soldiers in Iraq that died called in asking for backup also, but for one reason or another it did not arrive and they died, soldiers die, it happens, so stop drinking the glen beck 'kool aid' you are so fond of and try to come up with a new so called scandal that is fake.
Re: The Truth About Libya
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