Re: Talked to the BigDuck
Member #: 89889
Registered: 10/16/2012
Rick Taylor
Rick Taylor
late 60s
~50 years
Thanks for your imput Loco . I said when I made the post about talking to the Duck I would only make one post about him. I changed my mind , admin left my post. Call me bitch although I'm not. I know Jerry can't come here to defend his self . Being as I recognise your comment, I know why the Duck had so many conflicts its comments like yours. I tried to call him today and got only his voicemail , he's probably mad that I posted anything about him when he asked me not to. I called another friend after he didn't answer who also has been here a long time . I found out Duck was member 695. I said to my self dammit man ,now this site has nearly 90thousand members. After recently joining after so many years of being a wallflower I can't watch somebody kick shit in my brothers face.He is and always will be a top hook that will work most dogs in the dirt. Damn proud to say I know the man. Loco I'm oldschool , we came from the days when we were called cable dogs not dawgs. Don't get me wrong , I'm not putting anyone down . Not trying to start any trouble. I've read everything the Duck ever wrote and know alot of it was just to get others to write here. He helped build a brotherhood. Duck if your reading this and I know you are, my apologies brother. I should have kept my mouth shut , but I wanted you back here , I enjoyed your writings , it gave us dogs something to read . I'm sorry you offended some thin skinned people . I hope to see you at the up coming hurricane even though you said you were headed to Texas. I believe you have learned from talking to you , that if you don't have something good to say about someone, best keep it to yourself. What were the words you used the other day If you step in shit and sling it it gets on you. Words of wisdom old man. Call me please sir. RLT
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Posted in reply to: Re: Talked to the BigDuck by LocoDawg
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