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Popular FL Republican Governor now for Obama

Tampa Bay Times

Gov. Charlie Crist hit the trail in Ohio Saturday, campaigning in the Columbus and Cincinnati areas for Barack Obama alongside former Democratic Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. They received loads of TV coverage while bracketing Mitt Romney campaign events in the Buckeye State.

At one rally, Crist blamed congress for the slow jobs recovery: "He wanted to do everything he could. He was imploring the congress to help people - real people, all of them, 100 percent - and the congress just said no."

To a TV interviewer, Crist spoke how much the stimulus package helped Floridians: "I understood and saw as governor of Florida, this great man, this great president, came to Florida even though I was a Republican at the time, helped us with out teachers, our firefighters, our law enforcement officers."

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Re: Popular FL Republican Governor now for Obama goodsky 10/16/2012 12:09:42 PM