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Re: Romney’s Successful Debate Plan: Lying

Mitt Romney's campaign says I'm full of it. I said Romney's tax plan is mathematically impossible: he can't simultaneously keep his pledges to cut tax rates 20 percent and repeal the estate tax and alternative minimum tax; broaden the tax base enough to avoid growing the deficit; and not raise taxes on the middle class. They say they have six independent studies -- six! -- that "have confirmed the soundness of the Governor’s tax plan," and so I should stop whining. Let's take a tour of those studies and see how they measure up.

I know that because i can read AND comprehend what i'm reading, I know to question "how" when a Politician opens his mouth making broad and incappable promises, I know because i'm not fooled by talk. Romney WILL raise taxes on the middle class and protect wealthy tax payers which include himself. He will not eliminate a single loophole that affects his own tax percentage. If you think he would have a chance in hell winning this election by pissing off those who contribute to his campaign you are wrong.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Romney’s Successful Debate Plan: Lying by goodsky
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Romney’s Successful Debate Plan: Lying linedawg 10/16/2012 11:27:37 AM
Re: Romney’s Successful Debate Plan: Lying goodsky 10/16/2012 9:38:37 AM