Re: Exactly What?
Member #: 53734
Registered: 7/29/2007
Premier Star Services
~29 years
Harp is one program, enacted by Obama
1.3% growth, is still growth, in the last few months of Bush the Private sector LOST 2 million jobs, since Obama, the Private sector has GAINED 35,000, that is also growth. Not as good as it could be, but at least he is not shipping jobs to China like Romney with Bain Capital.
US Healthcare is rated 37th in the world by the W.H.O. with countries like Columbia, Singapore, and Oman rating much higher, US is the only major world power with out Universal healthcare, yet it outspends every country. Romney wants to repeal the changes to health care, his idea of health care for people that can't afford it? " Get in an ambulance and go to the emergency room"
4 Diplomats were not killed in the consulate, they were killed outside the consulate on FOREIGN SOIL. Also, Consulate is not an embassy, they are different.
Equal Rights? How so? does EVERY US Citizen have equal rights? No, and if Republicans have their way, women will not even have their right of freedom of choice. Republicans also voted against equal pay for women doing the same job as men, republicans want women pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen. Thats just one example.
You can't even answer your own questions about Romney, if he wants to be president, you should be able to answer these 4 simple questions on what he 'would' do, yet you dodged it..typical GOP Right wing radical reply.
Romney has said he will make his decisions based on his religious beliefs, I for one do not want a leader that listens to voices in his head, or taking advice from a fictional book (The Bible). He has ran such a horrible campaign, he can't even get his base to chant his name at a rally, that was an embarrassment for him. His VP choice, told so many lies in his acceptance speech it was laughable, Romney can't remember when he quit his own company, " Retroactively quit in 1999" Yet he was on the payroll well into 2000...what happens if he is elected and we get attacked..what will he say " Oh i wasn't president then, I retroactively resigned before the attack"
Pizzaguy is right, Republicans have ran such a horrible campaign, if this is the strongest candidate they can find, they should just quit.
Never argue with idiots, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
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