It's not that the GOP is terrible, it's that they have moved so far to the right, they almost sound like the religious radicals all over the country, they just need to get rid of the far far right wing whackos. hell, even the Klan revamped their image by ditching the hoods and switching their name to the Tea Party, that's progress.
And I agree with cablemn, answer the same 4 questoins for Romney
Obama: 1: Stopped the housing crash, which caused my buisness to increase
2: Was able to expand my business due to the economy improving over the past 3 years
3:Pro Choice, national security..Remember, we have had no attacks or major threats since he has been in office on US Soil. Bin Laden dead, Troops finally leaving Iraq, equal rights for ALL americans, not just aged rich white men.
4:Read answers 1-3 for this answer.