What's Obama Up To?
I don't believe that an American high school graduate, given the opportunity to govern as President, would do even half the crazy things President Obama has done. He's not stupid… he obviously has a plan in mind… What's he up to?
Check these actions out and see if you can guess what he's doing (These are just some of the examples. There are more.):
1. Practice of Division and Class Warfare.
Encouraging and supporting the rise of the U.S. Occupier movement.
War on the Right (incl. belittling Party and individuals by name).
War on anyone who disagrees with him.
War on American culture and traditional values.
2. Preparations for forcible control of the American People. (Has anyone else noticed the coincidental timing of these recent events?
The government entities continually buying ammunition by the barrels full and firearms training of our govt' entity agents - all domestic.
"DHS Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition."
Spy drones now being deployed over our homes and businesses.
A new fleet of armored vehicles built for use of our non-military government entities
Obama: "Detention Ok For 1st Amendment 'Activities.' "
Issue of Executive Orders to control the American people.
War on guns.
3. Promise of and Preparation for a Dictatorship
Declared that, if reelected, he will go around Congress if they won't do things his way.
Issue of Executive Order abridging free speech.
Issue of orders that will control freedom and movement of the American people.
Selling American Flag prints with the Obama logo in place of the stars.
War on anyone who disagrees with him.
War on the dignity of the presidency
4. Bypassing the Constitution.
Bypassing the Constitution's advice and consent requirement.
Thirty+ Czars with none having approval of Congress.
Refusing to enforce laws.
EPA bypass of Congress.
Internet Regulation bypassed Congress.
NLRB "recess" appointment bypassed Congress.
Debt Commission bypass of Congress with Executive Order.
5. War on U.S. Economy.
Failed investments in Green Policy (19 failed green companies)
war on natural energy sources,
war on business.
Twenty-three million Americans unemployed (8+%>42 months).
Continued spending with National Debt in excess of $16 Trillion.
Fed's new stimulus: Printing money - $40 Billion per month infinitely.
6. War on Energy Resources
"The EPA is the biggest obstacle to energy independence."
War on Coal - nine regulations to cripple coal industry.
War on Oil (Gulf closure, no domestic and offshore drilling, no Keystone Pipeline).
7. War on the future of America .
War on National security
Snubbing America 's allies.
Inept Middle-East handling.
Playing along with Iran 's game.
Slashing U.S. Military funding amidst the Muslim uprising.
Demanding $50 billion in military cuts without a strategy on which to base the cuts.
What's Obummer up to?
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