I actually never called you anything, other than maybe color blind, I never said "Your are a right wing Radical", I never said anything about race, ...and I never went into a tizzy fit...I was stating facts. I never blamed Bush or Obama for anything, I simply posted a link to an example of how the patriot act, that was enacted by a republican, put an american citizen away with no charges, simply for using his right of free speech.
So who is going into a tizzy fit again?
If the republicans could leave religion out of thier politics, and quit trying to take womens rights away, and take the country back to the 1950s, I may look at them differently. But when the republican party says that the earth is only 4000 years old, and wants to govern based on the bible ( Not everyone in the republican party, but a good majority of them), I'm sorry, I can't vote for a party that believes in fairy tales.
Re: The perfect answer
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