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Re: MWB.....manager wanna be. Tell us your experi

i appreciate your feed back. as to the hieroglyphics yeah ironcailly i was working cairo and a camel could get you a whole house dvr and four milkable nigerean dwarf goats.   since i only pitch flyer their writing helped me out.

i agree the people you speak of are vactioners.  they are the people who promise you the moon and since they have spent their whole life at it they sound believable although the reality everyone is desperate for someone to produce units in a market that is probably kinda hard to work and the mwb is forced to hire someone that they know deep down inside is not qualified.  because if you don't hire the guy who vacations in the hotel for three weeks then what have you been doing? vacationing in the hotel for 6 weeks and haven't found a good one to work yet.  not you personally  ofcourse but just the generality of the biz.  yeah if you tag a 100 doors a day surely you can get into three households. with one or 3 products.  but its funny watching it from the outside.   the weight of the business is put on the salespeople both finacially by not getting a check for atleast three weeks if your a professionally run system and total production.  but this may be a new thread perhaps, because no one discounts what your saying, i worked with a guy who apparently would leave the hotel at 10 come back at 9 and would sit in the city park all day drinking beer and making no sales. they only way they caught him was the police finally said hey this is your 15 warning this month we are going to arrest you and the contractor had to pay for his bail and give him 50 bucvks in gas to get out.  perhaps maybe on this thread you could come up with a catchy title for it.  this was intended for door knockers to tell light hearted stories about the pictureresque 400 pound slob barking orders about how much money he made selling cable that geroldo riveria personally invited him to jet ski with him in juno alaska in the winter.
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Posted in reply to: Re: MWB.....manager wanna be. Tell us your experi by salesdawg
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Re: MWB.....manager wanna be. Tell us your experi LeadMappingGuru 10/18/2012 1:09:11 PM