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Re: Mark Lehman M&T Communications

I believe that to a point because I have been on the receiving end of this crap myself and have tried to deal with the distributors personally and didn't get nowhere... All they say is to contact the contractor and deal with them... This is more of a common occurrence in residential, especially the DTV subs... P-10, ANS and the rest of the VSAT distributors are primarily commercial types; and I don't think they have a clue of what some of these companies are doing to the techs... 

The more techs that stand up and say something to the big distributors will make a difference, especially when there is nobody left to do the installs... Unfortunately, as a whole, technicians in this industry won't stand up for themselves in a collective manner and send a loud and clear message that we are done taking this crap... We will never weed out the slime balls in this industry unless we force it to happen! Think about the attention a nationwide shutdown on installs across the board would get... That would get someone listening and asking questions... We won't do it though... We just take getting screwed and vent on cable Bar... This won't change a damn thing! 
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Posted in reply to: Re: Mark Lehman M&T Communications by mshropshire
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Re: Mark Lehman M&T Communications mshropshire 8/13/2012 7:52:02 AM