Amen!!! Larry has always been stand up with me and paid me every dime he owed me. In fact, he paid me ahead of time when I was in need of it. He is a damn good person and I have nothing to say bad about the man. I really do not know each and every situation he may be involved in, but like I said he is a damn good person and I feel there is a just reason why some didn't get paid. I spoke to him this week and he did tell me there were a couple who did poor quality work that he had to pay someone to fix, and another that took off with a bunch of equipment and Charter made him pay for it, so of course he took it out of their invoice. Reckon they could easily research it if they didn't believe he had to pay Charter. Don't let them get you down, Larry. You know who you are and so do many out there. I'd wouldn't hesitate to work for you again. Take care, bro.
>i see all these messages about Larry on here and i just thought it was time somebody came to his defence.I tried to get Larry to respond and he just said let the liar's bury thereself, but i don't feel that why. I have known him a long time and have worked for him off and on since 1988. He has never beat me out of a dime. He has always been there for me when ever i need him and i think he is a outstanding person. You people are trying to ruin him and i think that is an extream case of unjustice. If you people would be honest with yourself and the others who read this site you know if you didn't get your money it was because of something you done(not Larry's fault)You can't expect him to pay you and then pay someone else to correct your mistakes. I think and wish each one of you would apoligize on this site to Larry and except your own fault's. especiaily BOBBY HUFFMAN and FUZZY ORANGE because you know what all Larry has done for you. I was on that job in KY and WVA and i seen first hand what he did to help you 2 men.
Re:mtnside cable
Member #: 153
Registered: 1996-2001
Gary Vest
Gary Vest
Bowlin Group
Williamsburg, OH
early 60s
~43 years
Gary Vest
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Posted in reply to: mtnside cable by lb splicing
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