"Hey NumNUTS still waiting to see if you will ever put facts up instead of acting like a school girl and calling names." says Leashdawg.......
You mean facts like Bachman didn't denounce her American Citizenship as you made like?? Or facts like obama had dual citizenship, and you give him a pass
while calling Bachman a cunt for it?? Them kinda facts??? What kind of facts who be enough for a BushHater like yourself who gives no facts of your own??
Why ask for facts when you just dismiss them and fabricate falsehoods of your own???????? You don't want facts, you just ridicule those who don't share
the same opinion and call them traitors, though they have done no treacherous deed.. That's ''the facts'' my small minded liberal friend.. I'll pray for you...
Re: Renouncing citizenship .....
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