Re: illeagel Aliens
Member #: 13444
Registered: 1996-2001
Brian Farmer
Brian Farmer
Other duties as assigned
Where ever they need me
~41 years
There were borders, and governments. The different tribes had established territories that they used to provide for themselves and protected, their governments were democracy based in that everyone had the right to voice an opinion in a council setting. To justify the taking of land and the forced relocation of the native population, the idea that these things didn't exist was needed. The U.S government required that a tribe have a written language before it would be recognized, so the Cherokee in Georgia developed a written language including a newspaper just to have the U.S. go back on its word and relocate them to the indian territories of Oklahoma. What this government did to the Nation of Hawaii is almost as bad, but a lot more recent. Illegal immigration is all in the perspective. I do agree that the U.S. has to do something about the uncontrolled flow across our borders. Enforcing the existing laws against employers that hire undocumented immigrants would be a great first step.
Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Winston Churchill
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