First he ain't no hero. Second I have already said in this in past posting. now everbody on the bar should know I can't spell good and grammer suck. Is it that bad you make shit up when you read or you just don't understand what you read.
You like so many others say Goverment can't make Jobs but correct me if I am wrong Arn't the leaders you choose to follow don't they have a Gov job and don't they rape the Gov for all the freebies they can. If the Gov don't make jobs can WE get the money back that my Gov pay's them.
where were you when Ex pres Bush was stealing are freedoms why wern't you cring. Like I said Pres Obama is far from perfect but to try and lay the condition of our Country all upon his shoulder. well that just stupid. Because this pic shiows him making a mistake, How is this worse than Bush Giving all his rich buddies tax breaks or sending our kids to fight a war that he said was one we had to fight or else and yet where were his little Girls. it's a fight that has to be fought for our country and you wonm't send your 2 girls in your stead. but you will send others people kids instead, and then want to prosacute them for haveing some fun. or are you one of those people who say the pic's in Abule grey were hurtful. or pissing on a dead Iraqi was just way over the line.
You guys want these kids to protect you and your freedom and the bitch about the way they do it. How many right winest screamed at the top of thier lungs over these things and how many people bitched that thier rightwing or left wing people don't stand up and say Fuck you leave these troops alone.