All I know is there was GSR on this kid and Zimmerman head was bleeding. If it was me I would have shot the little FU@# way before he did. So screw the Race white black brown my bullet is not a BIGOT.
As far as Pres Obama now who turnning it into a show. Say what you want he still a better Pres than pres Jr. so lets leave that part out. he made a commet just like every other Pres.
Why can't this story be that a stupid kid brought fist to a gun fight and lost. I used to tell my Kids if you saw a man walking down the street, and you walk up to him and slapped him, Then he pulls out a gun and shoots you is he wrong. No if you hadn't slapped him he would have walked by you. Is it over kill yes but wrong No.
Re: the truth about Trayvon the media won't tell y
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