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Re: Another piece of my childhood gone

 In 1973 gas to get to a concert spiked to an all time high of $0.40 a gal. now it's $4.00 a gal. In 73 a two or three day concert (with headliners) cost around $10. Today if you want to go see Bruce Springsteen the cheepest ticket is $130, and if you want to be on the floor it will cost you $920. 
   In the 70's  I was lucky enough to work for Bill Graham Productions, so almost all the concerts back then were free to me, including back stage passes. All it took was a phone call and my name (plus guest) would be put on the list. I do miss those days, and it does seem like a lifetime ago.
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Another piece of my childhood gone by jmiller
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Re: Another piece of my childhood gone rowjimmy 4/21/2012 4:48:09 PM