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Re: Ed Eganhouse

I have information on Ed Eganhouse III, and I decided to post it as a reply to your comment, as it seems to be relevant to what you have said.

I met Ed in the summer of 2011 at a hotel in Dallas.  He had been in a car accident and was in town to have surgery.  Apparently there was a liability against the other person in the wreck and Ed had sued and according to him stood to settle for a very large amount (around 1 million).  Ed and I helped each other out while we lived there and I came to know him as a pretty good guy.  Some time in July or August Ed left, and we exchanged numbers.  I trusted him as a friend at this point.

In October OF 2011 Ed called me out of the blue.. he said his attorney had stopped giving him money and he was about to be homeless.  At the time he was staying in Abilene.  He said he was coming to Dallas to see his attorney about the matter and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up while he was here.  I said yes.

Ed came and his attorney blew him off.  Broke and homeless, with no ride back to Abilene I let him stay with me.  I was renting a room from a woman in Richardson, and after much trouble she agreed to let him stay for a few days.  He had no money, so I fed him while he was here.  I also got another roommate of mine to take us to Fort Wort, where Ed's van was.  I paid for two new tires for the van as well as put almost a whole tank of gas in it.  Ed was broke and in a spot, so I helped him out as much as I could.  Let me state for the record that my wife is on Social Security and I am on unemployment.  We barely have enough food for ourselves most days.  But, I considered Ed a friend at this point, and even though I couludn't really afford it, I helped him out anyway.

At one point during Ed's stay, my wife lost her debit card.  We needed the money right away, so instead of ordering another debit card (took too long), I made an arrangement to transfer the money to Ed's account, with the intention of withdrawing it as soon as it hit.  I considered us friends at this point and had no reason to think Ed would screw me.

When the money finally came in, I went to Ed about withdrawing it.  He said he wasn't feeling well and didn't want to go anywhere right then, and wanted to know if we could do it in the morning.  I said fine.  We had helped each other out before and I had no reason to think he would screw me.

The next morning we found out that Ed and a homosexual guy that lived next door had taken off in the middle of the night, with all my wife's money.  No note, no nothing.  I couldn't believe it.. after all we had done to help him out, got his van fixed, fed him, gave him somewhere to stay.. he screws us over by stealing every last penny we had and disappearing in the middle of the night with a gay man.

What makes it worse is that Ed was supposed to settle his case in December of 2012.  I thought maybe the guy could recover enough decency to find me once he gets his millions and at least mail us back what he stole.. but no dice.

Ed, if you ever read this, thanks buddy.  I hope stealing social security money from a woman as disabled as Nicolle makes you feel good about yourself, especially after all we did to try to help you get yourself together..  Also I hope you take pleasure in knowing that all someone has to do to find this article is search for your name on the Internet... the website is the first thing that comes up when someone does a Google search for your name, which is Ed Eganhouse III.  Oh, and good luck with your new homosexual lifestyle.. I never pegged you for a gay man but I guess they come in all sizes.  Have fun with your settlement.

Any potential employers or individuals searching for information about Ed, just know that he comes across as a genuinely nice guy and is very likeable.  But don't trust him...  I liked him a lot right up until he disappeared in the middle of the night with all the money I had to my name.  I was completely shocked because he seemed so warm and genuine the entire time I knew him.

If anyone has any doubts or questions about this article, you can contact me at 214-530-7524.

RT Hawkins
Richardson TX

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Posted in reply to: Re: Ed Eganhouse by hid1baby
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Ed Eganhouse RTHawkins 3/18/2012 3:09:09 PM
Re: Ed Eganhouse RTHawkins 3/18/2012 2:52:56 PM