what type of contractor are your referencing: Aerial-UG Construction, Coax-fiber-copper, Sat-Installation, Technical, drafting, design, make ready-mappers, etc, etc: Can't just toss them all in one basket and it also makes a differents if your talking: General Contractor, Prime Contractor, Sub Contractor, Sub of a Sub, etc. This is one reason the CATV contractor is looked upon as being "Non Professional". Some out there bring it on thereself's. Main reason as I see it, The Cable MSO's just don't pay the rate required to have nice shinny trucks, new tools, uniforms, safety equipment, etc like Tel and Pwr Trades have. Yea you may do great quality work- but you may not look the part or have a truck that is 3 different colors or worn usable tools/equipment. If your a big company like Dycom,Mastec,Quanta,etc that all have about 20 smaller companies working under their one umbrella, then yea you can afford looking the part however, that does not mean they will perform and do quality work.
If we want to be servants of others, we must first be masters of overselves, so Just do your job right the first time out-stay safe-don't worry about what others may think of you. "To be successful all you need to follow is the advise you give to others"..................AKA: microman
Re: contractors
Member #: 2039
Registered: 1996-2001
Gary E. Ogden
Micro Network Svc Grp
~60 years
This is CABL.com posting #339796. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbAyK
Posted in reply to: contractors by hawaiian
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