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Re: contractors

im really trying to understand why contractors get a bad rap..........Clarify your question...............Exactly! Bad rap is poorly done poetry...........words don't really fit together....bad rap. Now bad rep............short for reputation...........that is a different thing. Rep.....reputation varies from person to person. contractors who do not do the things in their contract get a bad reputation as contractors. Then we are back to a need for clarity...........a contractor who always fulfills his contracted tasks can still have a bad rep if he kicks puppies, drinks a lot and and snores during mandatory meetings........slow day here.......Joe
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Posted in reply to: Re: contractors by dfwdtv
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: contractors yankee1 2/16/2012 3:54:05 PM
Re: contractors mine1 2/16/2012 10:51:27 AM