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Re: 4G antenna/modem instals

Something you have to understand about Mainstreet is they are primarily federally funded through the USDA Stimulus money to bring broadband to rural communities where DSL/Cable internet is not being offered. At the moment it's not about them competing but to have the service available. I know when I was with the parent company and helping these guys get thing started in the field they were paying $125.00 for pro install (outside antenna) $75.00 for self install (indoor modem) I was told from a good friend of mine which is the regional operations manager for the S.E. that the rates were slashed so the 80/40 may be correct. One thing is the install on a pro unit takes about 1 1/2 per and self install can take from 5 min. to an hour depending on signal test inside the home. In time the quality of service has got better and more dependable since they switched all there networks to licensed freq. but being down in S. GA and N. FL has a challenge due to the tree and antenna hights. When the technology progresses than this will become the future of communications since the installation cost factor is much cheaper and easier to maintain. I would suggest if any of you are looking to work in the industry to start looking into wireless classes and training. 
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Posted in reply to: Re: 4G antenna/modem instals by lifters
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Re: 4G antenna/modem instals kcookGA 2/11/2012 1:22:24 PM