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Red Flags ....

... A contractor tells you you're going to receive the best rates in the country, but not paid until after you have worked for thirty days. Also, if the contractor points out that you get paid when their checks start rolling in, you better be prepared for the worse after 30 days. Irregardless, you will likely lose your last 30 days of pay when you move on to the next crook. The reality is that there are a lot of crooks out there just as there are suckers to feed what seems to be an unstoppable cycle!!   
This is posting #338865. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Red Flags .... drifterdawg 2/4/2012 11:43:06 PM
Re: Red Flags .... bigdude365 2/4/2012 1:20:07 PM
Re: Red Flags .... WeeWah 2/4/2012 12:11:43 PM
Re: Red Flags .... pressureman0 1/30/2012 4:34:58 PM