It's only funny till someone gets hurt....
Member #: 3845
Registered: 1996-2001
Robert LaRue
e-motion Video Productions
Media Minister / video editor
Metro Detroit
~45 years
I was training a new ground hand and he was "trying" to throw me the rope and kept throwing it at my feet.
After about 5 throws I was getting impatient and yelled, "Throw me the dang rope!"
He said he didn't want to hit me with the headache and I told him, "Aim between the eyes. If you hit me, it's my fault."
A couple weeks later I saw the following commercial and asked him if he saw it.
He said that he didn't, but as couple of days later he did and told me that he thought it was halarious.
Anyway, he became a great ground hand and a couple of months later I was training him to be a lineman.
One day while he was on the pole, I threw him the rope and hit him right between the eyes with the headache and had to take him to the hospital to get 8 stitches. After we left the hospital I took him to the bar to buy him a Mike's Hard Limeonaide.
With God all things are possible
This is posting #338439. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Good Old Days by GoEasy
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