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Re: Has anybody tried the New Magic Jack Plus..No

Have you looked into a service like Ring Central?
They give you all those things and I think there about 20 or less a month.  You will have to purchase additional equipment, But I know the more lines you purchase the cheaper it gets.

One that I use is onesuite.  They cost like $3 a line per month no contract. and 2 cents a minute long distance. Incoming free.  So if you can do comcast and get a lot of lines like you state, even if someone uses a lot of long distance its still a lot cheaper.  You would have to buy some phone adapters, and you could just run cat 5 to the box in each place.

You can do 1 line with 104 ext.  The problem with that is you can only call out off one ext. because all the other ones will be busy.

Companies that do the extension route do it a few different ways.
1 if your like a call center and on the lines 24/7, you would have a line for each ext.
2 if your like a hotel you might have 500 rooms, but need only maybe 10 lines knowing that most people don't use their phone.
3 if you want to have a follow me service or an online phone (Voip) you can have the line come to wherever you are.

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