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To everyone....
Hope everyone has something to be Thankful for! I am thankful for the ones I love who are still here. I am also thankful for the ones I had the chance to love if only for a little while!
Please take the time to realize that the ones you love can be gone in an instant... Never forget to tell people how much they mean to you! You may be the only one they hear it from!
Have a Blessed Holiday!
This is posting #335737. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Thankful? LocoDawg 11/23/2011 6:28:04 PM
Re: Thankful? Paul the sat man 11/23/2011 5:49:36 PM
Re: Thankful? TELECOMM109 11/22/2011 11:01:06 PM