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new cable company

sony announced today it will introduce a new cable company providing content over the internet.
this will increase competition for cable and satellite companies.
with new technology from cell phone carriers that lets you obtain 4 g internet, you will no longer need cable for internet, thus no need for cable for tv as well.
in 1994 when dtv came out , no one thought they would be a big player at all.
this will mean more work for quality techs, and less money for the greedy companies.
with smart tv's coming out now, all you will need is a wireless internet connection for everything.
or you can wire with cat 5.
no more cable....

more info coming.

pegsat communications
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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: new cable company pegsat 11/17/2011 3:08:28 PM
Re: new cable company bushmaster 11/17/2011 6:43:10 AM