OWS is nothing but a bunch of people wanting to take from people that have and give it to people too lazy to work for it. Why would anyone want to give the government a chance to put their hand in your wallet again? It may start with the 1%'ers but you know the government, next thing you know they will increase it to the 2,3,4,5,...........65%'ers sooner or later.
I'll be damned if I want the government or anyone else to take more of what I've worked for just to give it to someone else. The only countries that are doing that are the communist ones and we all see how that's working out now don't we.
Where's your money? well if the OWS people get their way you'll have even less.....
PS I'm working and am happy because I've earned it, over the 50 years of my life and I'll fight like hell before I let anyone try to take it from me. One of the things that made this country the greatest in the world was that everyone has the chance to be a success if they are willing to work for it. But the people of OWS and those like them want to punish people for succeeding, because they don't have the drive, or work ethic to do it for their self's. They want it handed to them..If you look at who makes up their mob it's mainly people from the there are no looser's everyone is a winner generation. A generation raised to expect that everyone get's what they want, never taught that life isn't fair, that everyone is going to loose sometimes. The constitution gives everyone the right to pursue happiness it never guaranteed that you will achieve it. With people like the OWS you will have even less chance of achieving it because once you have more than they do it will be taken from you....Is that what you really want?