If stepping a pole is noted and I have the materials on hand to do it when I'm there, no problem. But,,how many catv co's have in stock steps? Until then, all I can do is bring it to their attention. Where do you draw the line 25', 15', or 10'. Besides, 75% of the time you are framing above phone, so your only choice is to jumper it down, or pull long enough tails to get to the ground. As I said before, I'll make it tech friendly best I can, or pass along the info to who ever, what they do with that info is up to them.
I believe that somewhere in the job description of an installer or tech, it will say something like, must be able to do work off of a ladder at heights greater than 5'. So,,if your afraid of heights, or working off ladders, I suggest you apply else where. I can only do so much to make someone else's job easier, at some point you have to be responsible enough to do your job, that you say you can do.
Re: You had better go up that ladder or your fired
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