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Re: wow i got a 2,000.00 pay check for one week

The Democrats were out of the White House from 2000-2008. Republicans controlled Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Federal Reserve Board during that time too. How'd that work out? Cheerleading for one side or the other won't do any good. The problem is both parties have been on a conservative policy track for the past 30 years. It's destroying the middle class created by the New Deal in favor of people with money and influence. We're going back to the 1920's, my friend, and while one party may be working harder at it, both are headed that way.
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Posted in reply to: Re: wow i got a 2,000.00 pay check for one week by Tallmarks
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Re: wow i got a 2,000.00 pay check for one week Tallmarks 9/30/2011 4:36:24 PM