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Re: wow i got a 2,000.00 pay check for one week

Well they both have spent their selves silly.  The only difference is that BUSH HAD A SURPLUS.  Also Obama rolled over UNPAID WARS, MEDICARE PART D, TAX BREAKS, and added an 800 billion stimulus.  So in reality obama's debt is BUSH'S WARS+ BUSH'S MEDICARE PART D+ BUSH'S TAX BREAKS + BUSH
'S BANK BAILOUT+ OBAMA'S 800 BILLION DOLLAR STIMULUS.  That my friend is what obama's debt is.  See when idiots/republicans say that obama spent more than bush in his first three years they forget that the money was already spent BY BUSH, OBAMA JUST DID NOT STOP IT.  If you are in the hole and continue to spend the same amount or more money every year than what you did to get hole YOU WILL ADD TO THE DEFICIT.  So when you add the BUSH DEFICIT + OBAMA'S STIMULUS+ LACK OF REVENUE/RISE IN UNEMPLOYMENT=OBAMA SPENT MORE THAN BUSH WHICH = BU%%SH&T.  Bush started with a surplus gave a bailout to airline industry, spent money we didnt have on seniors, went to war in two countries, and bailed out the banks.
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Posted in reply to: Re: wow i got a 2,000.00 pay check for one week by Tallmarks
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Re: wow i got a 2,000.00 pay check for one week Tallmarks 9/30/2011 10:27:11 AM