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Peace mill work with overtime

DOL is now going after all peace mill contract companies that don't pay overtime.  That means drive time and wait time is over time.  If you are not being paid you need to hire a overtime lawyer.  This is a free service to you.  So please make sure you are getting overtime now with peace mill work.  over 40 hours work from the minute you step into the warehouse everyday you are being paid.  so that 75 hour week thats 35 hours over close to 10,000 a year you are losing.  That includes Independent contractors.  The DOL said cable installers are not Independent contractors in any form of the word.  YOU ARE EMPLOYEES.  You work for one company. and you dont buy supplies.  You wear a uniform and a bag with the cable companies name on it and a big sign with there name on it not your personal name.  and you are not able to turn down jobs or just say you are not working.  You most put a note in for a holiday so you are employees.  and believe or not you are a employee of the cable company you work for not the contract company.  Its a co employer status. 
This is posting #333442. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Peace mill work with overtime minenotyours 2/2/2012 11:10:50 PM
Re: Peace mill work with overtime saywhat 10/2/2011 4:37:13 AM
Re: Peace mill work with overtime bushmaster 9/22/2011 8:40:29 PM
Re: Peace mill work with overtime gotunow 9/22/2011 8:37:33 PM