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Re: Why is Charter cutting free service to governm

Don't get your panties in a bunch.
First most of the franchises I've worked in provided BASIC services to schools, police and fire stations. It was in their franchise agreements and I never said different. If your franchise was able to get around it more power to them.
Second nowhere did I say if your under a government blanket you are entitled to free service.
Third I never said that every government agency was or should get free service.(you sure you put that pipe down?)
All the fiber jobs that I work on for the government, the government is paying for the fiber, the construction, splicing, activation, testing and maintenance, I know because I OK the the payments on the bills among overseeing the work from start to finish. Don't see anything free there....wait maybe if I take a hit or two I will..............not yet maybe one more..............still nothing. Guess I need to find a better dealer.
Fourth I never said you or I could donate the same amounts as Cox, Comcast or whom ever. If I could donate in the same league I sure as hell wouldn't be working. I'd be hitting that pipe and kicking back somewhere with a cold beer, warm sunshine, and hot and cold running maids. But you and I and every other tax paying American are free to donate however much we like and get the same tax break. Will not be as big because the amount is smaller. But what do you think those charities would do without those big donations from Comcast, Cox,and others? Most of them would not be around to do whatever it is they do. Not many could survive from privet individual contributions.
Fifth as far as my comments or anyone "like me" making people not want to post do me a favor and pass me your pipe you most certainly have got the good sh#t and should share it with your brothers.....
P.S. If this post of mine ruffled your feathers T.S. you'll get over it by the time your old enough to start shaving.
If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Why is Charter cutting free service to governm by Sweep R US
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