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    You might being coming down on these "religous nuts" a little too hard.  What I really mean is that these people like "Gary Vest" have found so mething in life that helps them in the daily activities such as workplace, family, & finances.  Myself,,  I am not an atheious,  nor am I a christion,,  but I do believe in right & wrong.  In close,,  I am planning on driving up to OK, City this afternoon,, about 450 miles.  Gary; If you read this,, I dont know GOD that good but ask him to look out for me and keep me safe.

                                                                                                                         Sammy Petree

just an old lineman//grew up with a sawdust pumper in between my belt. chased a 1 ton for years run a T40-C(PRO)//I actually know how to operate it. never could figure out that sawdust pumper//he//he
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Posted in reply to: religion by danimal
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: THIS IS SAMMY Gary Vest 8/23/2011 12:51:21 PM
Re: THIS IS SAMMY Splicer Life 4me 8/23/2011 12:00:44 PM