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Re: Loco?

I guess you could call me a "shit stirrer" if you want, I'll give you that one. After all I got you all stirred up. Didn't I? And as far as working, it's sweet, and no whiners here. So please stay where you are. Oh yeah, you forgot to call me a can of Hormel chili on the shelf, whatever that means. Your slipping hookman 81 (grunt).

 Fat ass?  I,m  6'5" 245lbs (slide to 250 sometimes) but 245 is my fighting weight, 80" reach, spared with Randy Shields, faught Bobby Chacone in high school over Val Jinn (he won, little fucker, Now she's dead cuz of him) Shook Mohammed Ali and Frank Sinatra's hand (same one I jerk off with),  my name is on the Stones Beggers Banquet album,  I've been known to take time off and work for Bill Graham productions. Hell I even worked on the Gong Show with Chuck Barris. I make good money on any job I work,  and seem to always break a few girls hearts when I leave town. I always have a good time, ALWAYS.    You have a good (alone) vacation Mr. "I ride alone, have a degree in "cable fucking t.v". Enjoy your inhouse job. Hope you have fun, really! Sounds like you need it. I don't give a flying fuck what you have to say to me. But I'll bet you are wasting vacation time trying to think of what to call me next, arn't you?  You pathedic Dumbass, be my pet, bring it on. I guess you got a ways to go before your an old dawg. Keep trying, I'm rooting for ya. Grunt.
 PS. Amy was a slut.
God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
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Re: Loco? hookman 81 8/22/2011 8:55:09 PM