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Re: Hope and Change

The real problem is everyone who wants this so called "change" also turns around and mocks the politicians that are about it. I.E. Ron Paul, everyone from the establishment right and left always mock him and the sheep just follow in line. Until people pull their heads out of their ass and vote for some real change nothing is going to happen. I mean look who is "leading" people like Mitt "the socialist" Romney who does agree with health care on national level (at least he did in 2007 primaries) and of course now does not and that is to name ONE of this tools MANY flip-flops. Then we have the subsidies queen herself, Michelle Bauchman. It is a joke and unfortunately unless a whole lot changes over the next year I feel the sheep will stay in line. Every candidate I see other than Paul & Cain have some serious "hard-on" for special interests, be it farm subsidies (retarded), military industry (I wonder why no one likes us), Personal liberties or lack there of, and of course "spreading the wealth" through Government programs. Even an England "Senator" (I forget what they call them) was making fun of us for continuing down the road we are on. I mean if Socialist Europe is catching on that should be a big SIGN, but it isn't. We have the same people talking about the same 3rd world countries we must attack or the same less fortunate we should all pay for. All the sheep are going to vote for the War Lovers or the Poor Lovers...How about we vote for the we mind our own business, cut government, and give the people back real freedom of their money, property, and personal life choices. IMO, WE ARE FUCKED because while everyone acts like they want these things they turn around and back BHO or Romney or Bauchman like the good sheep they are! Even if you do agree with these people now HOW ABOUT YOU DO SOME RESEARCH AND SEE WHAT THEY USE TO THINK AND HOW THEY ACTUALLY VOTED FOR THE PAST YEARS IN CONGRESS BECAUSE THEY AGREE WITH W/E THEY THINK WILL GET THEM ELECTED @ THE TIME AND FLIP FLOP MONTH TO MONTH MUCH LESS ELECTION TO ELECTION. The only other candidate I'm interested in is Rick Perry, as I have not done a whole lot of background on him and looks like he will be entering the race. NOW IGNORE EVERYTHING I SAID AND GET BACK IN LINE SHEEP CUZ THIS GUY IS "RADICAL" AND "CRAZY" AND "WILL RUIN AMERICA"!!!!
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Posted in reply to: Re: Hope and Change by 1FARMER
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Hope and Change lashdawg 8/15/2011 9:16:56 PM
Re: Hope and Change superlinedog 8/14/2011 3:56:38 PM